5 Steps to Master the Art of Persuasion

The idea of becoming an entrepreneur might sound exciting but it is definitely not everyone’s cup of tea. There are a certain set of qualities that an entrepreneur must incorporate within himself. One of such qualities includes the “art of persuasion”. In business, persuasion is a process aimed at changing a person’s attitude or behavior toward 

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Top 10 Angel Investors in India

Speculation is an effort, probably unsuccessful, to turn a little money into a lot. Investment is an effort, which should be successful, to prevent a lot of money from becoming a little. These investors are always involves in such efforts. We have listed 10 serial investors who are really good in speculation as well as 

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How to Raise Capital for your Startup

Any startup whether big or small requires a lot of brains, efforts and yes quite a lot of money. Money plays a very important role in building your startup, but what’s difficult is raising this capital. Raising capital can be argued to be a fundamental act of any organisation more so for any startups. Often the 

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