How to make money online in india

Eager to know how we can make money online in India?

Indians are looking at different ways in which they can make money online, there are hundreds of websites where you can earn money without any investments. Any website that asks you to invest money before you can make money online is definitely a fraud and you must proceed with caution or else you might end up losing your hard earned money. Either we can earn money through any particular website by clicking on that or just with registration with the specific cost, but most of the people usually don’t do that just because they are afraid to get betrayed like if they will invest money then might it could be captured or blocked but genuine websites never ask you to invest money. Let’s assume we have created a list of five websites where you can register and earn at-least Rs 10,000 to 60,000 every month. You can earn that much money by working only 100 hrs a month. It might sound unbelievable but it is not easy. It will take you months to touch that magic figure. However if you earn even INR 10000 in your first month , it is a great achievement and a mark of the coming good fortune.

When many start-up websites launched including, facebook, pinterest, twitter and others. They didn’t have much of a monetization plan initially.  Their primary goal was focusing on creating something that would attract attention and big traffic. First, we should make sure there is a market for our site keyword research is big part of this.  Secondly, we should try to create something of value.  Finally, we should ideally find a niche that has money being spent in it.

How to monetize?

Email Marketing

This is one of my favorite things to talk about because it’s just so powerful.

Building an email list can make you a lot of money, help you build a solid brand and of course help readers come back to your site, time after time.Email marketing can be seen to make you money in a few different ways, such as direct email promotions, to deliver free reports that are monetized and my favorite, to drive traffic back to your site where you make money from other methods

Sell advertising space

It all depends on you. Is this a business for you or is this just an opportunity to make a bit more money?

People always lean towards finding advertisers themselves. Just for experience you get paid more, build better partnerships and can do a better job for them.

Review product as an affiliate

I know quite a few people who review products on their blogs, it makes great content and if the product you are reviewing has an affiliate program, can make you a lot of money. You can review anything from software, to bikes, cars, hotels, holidays, food, anything you could think of and it’s all tax deductible (I believe) if you buy something to review.

So, these are the ways where you can find out the way to create money online. However, if you go deeply so you might can get the drawbacks for this blog but often people go through this structure because in current scenario every one wants hastle free money.

Good Luck.

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